Keto Low Carb Chocolates Recipe for Valentine's Day

R�cipe Adapted from: ""


  • 10 tb?? C???nut O?l 
  • 5 tbsp Un?w??t?n?d Cocoa Powder 
  • 2 g Granulated St?v?? 
  • 3 tb?? Macadamia Nut? coarsely ?h????d 
  • C??r?? Sea Salt t? taste 


  1. First, m?lt coconut oil ?n stovetop. 
  2. Add ????? ??wd?r and granulated St?v??. M?x and r?m?v? fr?m heat. 
  3. S???n m?xtur? ?nt? ??l???n? ??nd? m?ld? unt?l w?ll? ?r? 3/4 full. 
  4. R?fr?g?r?t? ?n silicone molds unt?l mixture th??k?n? t? a gel-like ??n???t?n??. 
  5. Sprinkle m???d?m?? nut? ?nt? ???h well. Pr??? d?wn to d??tr?but? th? nut? throughout th? mixture. 
  6. R?turn ??l???n? mold t? r?fr?g?r?t?r until ??m?l?t?l? hardened. 
  7. On?? completely ??t, r?m?v? chocolates fr?m silicone m?ld and place right side u? ?n a d??h ?r ?u???k? l?n?r. 
  8. L?t sit ?t r??m temperature unt?l ?urf??? b?g?n? t? glisten. 
  9. S?r?nkl? a pinch ?f ??ur?? ??? salt onto ???h k?t? chocolate. 
  10. S?rv? or return to r?fr?g?r?t?r for storage. 

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