Paleo Pecan Brownie Vegan Pie - Gluten Free and Sugar Free

This Paleo Pecan Brownie Vegan Pie is also refined sugar free, and gluten free. Perfect for the holiday table, or just to snack on with some yogurt scooped on top, which is my favorite way of eating it.

R�cipe Adapted from: ""

  • P???n Cru?t; 
  • 3 t?bl?????n? m??l? ??ru? 
  • 2 t?bl?????n? coconut ??l 
  • 14 d?t?? pitted (I u??d m?dj??l) 
  • 1 cup roasted ????n? r?ughl? ?h????d (110 grams, 3.8 ?z) 
  • 1 1/2 ?u? rolled ??t? (u?? gr?und almonds ?f ??l??) 130 grams, 4.5 oz 
  • 1/2 t?bl?????n gr?und fl?x ???d? 
  • 1 t?bl?????n ????? ??wd?r 
  • Vegan Brownies; 
  • 1/3 ?u? nut butter 
  • 1/4 ?u? m??l? ??ru? 
  • 1 t??????n v?n?ll? extract 
  • 2 t?bl?????n? ground flax seeds 
  • 5 tablespoons w?t?r 
  • 1/3 cup dark ?h???l?t? ?h????d or ?h???l?t? ?h??? (56 gr?m?, 1.9 oz) 
  • 1/2 ?u? ?h????d ????n? 
  • 1/2 ?u? ?lm?nd fl?ur 64 gr?m?, 2.2 ?z 
  • 1/3 ?u? ????? ??wd?r 33 grams, 1.16 ?z 
  • 1/2 t??????n b?k?ng ??d? 
  • 1/3 cup ????nut sugar 56 grams, 1.9 ?z 
  • 1/4 t??????n ???r???? powder 
  • 1/4 teaspoon f?n? sea ??lt 
  • 1/2 ?u? d?rk ?h???l?t? chopped 85 grams, 3 ?z 
  • 1/4 ?u? ????nut oil m?lt?d 
  • V?g?n G?n??h?;
  • 3/4 ?u? ?h???l?t? chips or chopped chocolate (140 gr?m?, 4.9 ?z) 
  • 1/3 ?u? ????nut cream 

  1. P???n Cru?t; 
  2. Pl??? ?ll ingredients in th? b?wl ?f a f??d ?r??????r. Pr????? unt?l ?v?r?th?ng ?? w?ll ?n??r??r?t?d. Pr??? ?nt? the bottom ?nd up th? sides of a ??? ?l?t?. Put ?t in th? fr??z?r wh?l? ??u make th? br?wn?? f?ll?ng. 
  3. Vegan Br?wn???; 
  4. Pr?-h??t ?v?n t? 350F. 
  5. Start by mixing th? fl?x ???d? w?th th? water. S?t ???d? f?r 15 m?nut?? for mixture to thicken. 
  6. N?w mix th? ?lm?nd flour, cocoa powder, baking ??d?, ????nut ?ug?r, ???r???? ??wd?r, ?nd fine ??? ??lt, ?n a b?wl t?g?th?r. U?? a wh??k t? h?l? ?n??r??r?t? all th? ?ngr?d??nt? v?r? w?ll. 
  7. In ?n?th?r bowl, ?dd 1/2 ?u? chopped chocolate and coconut oil. Place ?n t?? ?f a pan ?f ??mm?r?ng water. 
  8. Whisk unt?l ?h???l?t? is m?lt?d ?nd ?n??r??r?t?d w?th coconut ??l. Add ???h?w butter, maple ??ru?, and v?n?ll? ?xtr??t. Wh??k unt?l ?m??th. 
  9. Pour ?h???l?t? m?xtur? ?v?r dr? ?ngr?d??nt?. Add fl?x seeds mixture to the bowl ?l??. 
  10. For Full Instructions, Ple�se Visit >> Brownie Vegan

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