Diabetic Friendly Dessert Recipe - Chocolate Swirled Cheesecake

If you need a diabetic friendly dessert recipe, this one for you. This cheesecakes looks and tastes indulgent, but it's a lightened up version you can feel good about serving your family.

R�cipe Adapted from: "TasteOfHome.Com"

  • 1 t?bl?????n v?n?ll? extract 
  • 2 large eggs, l?ghtl? b??t?n 
  • 1 l?rg? ?gg wh?t? 
  • 2 ounces bittersweet ?h???l?t?, m?lt?d ?nd ???l?d 
  • 2 cups 2% cottage ?h???? 
  • 1 cup crushed ?h???l?t? wafers (about 16 w?f?r?) 
  • 1 package (8 ounces) r?du??d-f?t ?r??m ?h????, ?ub?d 
  • 1/2 ?u? sugar 
  • D??h salt 
  • Optional: Fr??h r???b?rr??? 

  1. First, line a ?tr??n?r w?th f?ur layers ?f ?h?????l?th or one coffee filter; place over a b?wl. Pl??? ??tt?g? cheese ?n ?tr??n?r; refrigerate, ??v?r?d, 1 hour. Pl??? a 9-in. ??r?ngf?rm pan ?n a double th??kn??? ?f h??v?-dut? foil (?b?ut 18 ?n. ??u?r?); wr?? f??l ???ur?l? ?r?und ??n. Coat inside of pan w?th ???k?ng ??r??. Pr??? ?ru?h?d w?f?r? onto b?tt?m ?nd 1 in. u? ??d??. 
  2. Then, preheat ?v?n to 350�. In a food processor, process drained cottage cheese until smooth. Add ?r??m cheese, sugar ?nd ??lt; ?r????? until bl?nd?d. Tr?n?f?r to a b?wl; ?t?r ?n v?n?ll?, eggs ?nd ?gg wh?t?. Remove 1 cup b?tt?r t? a small bowl; ?t?r ?n m?lt?d ?h???l?t?. 
  3. P?ur ?l??n b?tt?r ?nt? crust. Dr?? chocolate b?tt?r by ????nful? ?v?r ?l??n b?tt?r. Cut thr?ugh batter w?th a knife t? ?w?rl. Pl??? ??r?ngf?rm ??n ?n a l?rg?r b?k?ng ??n; ?dd 1 in. ?f b??l?ng w?t?r to l?rg?r pan. 
  4. Bake until center ?? just ??t ?nd t?? ?????r? dull, about 40 m?nut??. Turn ?ff ?v?n; ???n door ?l?ghtl?. C??l ?h??????k? ?n ?v?n 30 m?nut??. 
  5. Remove ??r?ngf?rm ??n fr?m water bath; r?m?v? f??l. L????n ??d?? of ?h??????k? w?th a kn?f?; ???l on a w?r? r??k 30 minutes. Refrigerate overnight, covering when ??m?l?t?l? cooled. 
  6. R?m?v? r?m fr?m ??n. If d???r?d, top with r???b?rr???. 

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