Low Sugar Dessert for Diabetics - Low Carb Fudgy Avocado Brownies

If you need a low sugar dessert for diabetics, this one for you. These low carb Fudgy Avocado Brownies are the best sugar-free brownie recipe you�ll ever made. Sugar Free, Low Carb, Gluten Free, Healthy Fat, and Easy to make. No fail one-bowl recipe. Another delicious sugar free desserts for diabetics ready in 20 minutes!

R�cipe Adapted from: "SweetAsHoney.co"

  • 1/2 ?u? ?lm?nd m??l 
  • 1/2 cup un?w??t?n?d cocoa ??wd?r 
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking ??d? 
  • 1/4 teaspoon ??lt 
  • 3 ?z un?w??t?n?d d?rk ?h???l?t? bites (90g) - I u??d healtheries ?ug?r fr?? stevia ?h???l?t? in NZ 
  • 2 teaspoons v?rg?n ????nut ??l 
  • 1 ?u? ripe ?v???d? flesh (230g) about 2 medium r??? ?v???d? 
  • 2 ?gg? 
  • 1/2 cup erythritol (105g) - I used natvia ?n NZ you ??n u?? Sw?rv? in US 
  • 1 t??????n v?n?ll? extract - optional 
  • Gl?z?ng ?nd toppings: 
  • 1/8 cup r???t?d and ??lt?d ????n nuts ,?ru?h?d (12 g) 
  • 1/3 cup ?ug?r fr?? chocolate b?t?? ,m?lt?d (40 g) 
  • 1/4 teaspoon virgin coconut ??l 
  • 1 teaspoon coarse sea ??lt - ??t??n?l 

  1. First, preheat oven t? fan-forced 180 C (350F). L?n? a square br?wn?? pan (24 ?m x 24?m) w?th ??r?hm?nt ????r. Set ???d?. 
  2. Then, in a small saucepan ?dd th? d?rk ?h???l?t? b?t?? ?nd ????nut ??l. Br?ng t? medium h??t unt?l full? melted. Y?u can ?l?? ?l??? b?th ingredients into a b?wl ?nd microwave ?n high b? 30 ????nd? bur?t unt?l full? m?lt?d. S?t ???d?. 
  3. In ??ur f??d ?r??????r w?th the S blade ?tt??hm?nt, ?dd ?ll th? brownie ?ngr?d??nt? (?x???t the glazing ?n?) ?n this ?rd?r: ripe ?v???d? fl??h, ?gg?, ?r?thr?t?l, ?lm?nd m??l, un?w??t?n?d ????? ??wd?r, b?k?ng soda, salt, v?n?ll?. ?xtr??t ?nd melted ?h???l?t? 
  4. Pr????? f?r 30 seconds to 1 minute ?r unt?l all the ?ngr?d??nt? ??m?? t?g?th?r and you ?bt??n a th??k br?wn?? b?tt?r. Tr?n?f?r th? batter into the ?r???r?d square pan. S?r??d th? b?tt?r ?v?nl? in the ??n u??ng a ???tul?. B?k? f?r 25-30 m?nut?? ?r unt?l a ?k?w?r inserted ?n the m?ddl? of the br?wn?? comes ?ut clean. 
  5. C??l d?wn 10 m?nut?? ?n th? ??n b?f?r? ?ull?ng out th? brownie from th? ??n u??ng th? ??r?hm?nt ????r t? ?ull out th? brownie ????l?. Tr?n?f?r the br?wn?? on a cookie rack t? ???l d?wn until r??m t?m??r?tur?. 
  6. Meanwhile ?r???r? the ?h???l?t? gl?z?ng ?nd t????ng?. In a small ??u????n, und?r m?d?um h??t, m?lt the ?ug?r free chocolate bites w?th ????nut ??l until full? l?qu?d and shiny. St?r ?ft?n t? ?v??d the ?h???l?t? t? burn. U?? a t??????n t? dr?zzl? th? melted ?h???l?t? on top ?f th? br?wn?? and d???r?t? w?th ?ru?h?d ????n nut? ?nd ??? ??lt - ??t??n?l. 
  7. Cut th? br?wn?? ?n 16 squares ?nd ?t?r? th? br?wn??? ?n th? ??ntr? ?n ?n airtight ??nt??n?r for up to 4 days. 

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