Healthy Breakfast Ideas for Diabetics - Keto Low Carb Egg Muffins

Looking for a satisfying and keto-healthy breakfast ideas for diabetics? Try these tasty Keto Low Carb Egg Muffins! With only 5 grams of carbs per serving.

R�cipe Adapted from: ""

  • ? cup ???k?d bacon, ?rumbl?d 
  • 1? ?u? ?h?dd?r ?h????, ?hr?dd?d 
  • 3 tbsp. un?w??t?n?d ?lm?nd m?lk (??t??n?l) 
  • � t??. g?rl?? ??lt 
  • 4 ?h?rr? t?m?t??? 
  • � cup r?d ?n??n, ?h????d 
  • 1 ?u? mixed greens (???n??h is gr??t too!) 
  • 8 ?gg ??lk? 

  1. First, preheat the oven t? 400�F (200�C). Then, s???r?t? th? egg ??lk? from the wh?t?? ?nt? a l?rg? mixing b?wl. D????rd or ??v? th? egg wh?t?? f?r another ???????n. W??h and f?n?l? ?h?? th? m?x?d greens, tomatoes, and onion. Add t? th? ?gg yolk m?xtur?. 
  2. Add bacon, cheese, un?w??t?n?d almond m?lk, and g?rl?? ??lt to th? l?rg? m?x?ng bowl with th? v?gg??? (personal recommendation: K??? ?ut ?b?ut 3 tbsp. ?f ?h???? t? ??r?nkl? ?n t?? ?n?? muff?n? h?v? b?k?d). M?x well. 
  3. Gr???? th? muffin pan w?th oil ?nd pour a � ?u? + 1 tb??. ?f th? ?gg mixture ?v?nl? into th? muff?n ?l?t?, wh??h ?h?uld ???ld 6 muffins. NOTE: Y?u can u?? muff?n ?u?? t? l?n? th? muffins t? ??v? t?m? during clean u?. 
  4. P?? the muff?n ??n into th? ?v?n f?r ?b?ut 12 minutes or unt?l the edges ?r? ?l?ghtl? a t???t? br?wn. Imm?d??t?l? ?ft?r t?k?ng the ?gg muff?n? ?ut ?f th? ?v?n, ??r?nkl? t??? of muffins w?th r?m??n?ng cheese. Let ???l f?r 2 m?nut?? before ??rv?ng.
  5. Serve & Enjoy! 

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