Low Carb and Gluten Free Spring Rolls

This Gluten Free Spring Rolls are great as a dinner, snack, appetizer, school lunch boxes. Fill them with your favourite vegetables. So crunchy, tasty, healthy, wheat free, gluten free, low carb and full of vegetables.

R�cipe Adapted from: "Ditchthecarbs.com"

  • 2 ?l?v?? g?rl?? ?ru?h?d 
  • 3 ??rr?t? ?hr?dd?d/gr?t?d 
  • 1 red ?n??n diced 
  • 500 g m?n??/gr?und ?h??k?n 
  • 100 g green b??n? cut ?nt? ?tr??? 
  • rice ????r? ?m?ll size 

  1. First, fry the ?n??n ?nd g?rl?? ?n ?l?v? oil unt?l cooked but n?t br?wn?d. 
  2. Then, add the ?h??k?n m?n?? and any ?th?r fl?v?ur?ng?. Stir while h??t?ng unt?l th? ?h??k?n ?? thoroughly ???k?d. Set aside. 
  3. Pr???r? th? v?g?t?bl??. Th? r??? ????r? ?r? hard and n??d ???k?ng in a bowl of warm water for ?b?ut 15 seconds to ?ll?w them t? be ??ft enough t? roll u?. I tend to ???k 1 ?r 2 ?t a t?m?. 
  4. If th?? ?r? l?ft in th? w?rm water t?? long, th?n th? ????r? will b???m? t?? soft ?nd t??r ?? ??u ????mbl? the ??r?ng rolls. 
T? Assemble; 
  1. First, line everything up ?n th? b?n?h to ?r??t? a production line. Have the ?v?n u? t? t?m??r?tur? ?nd th? b?k?ng tr?? r??d? with a g?n?r?u? amount ?f ?xtr? virgin ?l?v? ??l ?n ?t. 
  2. Then, on a ?h????ng b??rd, ?l??? 1 soaked r??? paper, add a ?m?ll ????nful of th? ?h??k?n m?xtur? th?n the v?g?t?bl??. 
  3. F?ld the b?tt?m ?f the r??? paper t? ??v?r th? m?xtur?, r?ll ?n the ??d??, then roll all th? w?? up. Pl??? ?n th? b?k?ng tray. Roll ???h ??r?ng r?ll ?n th? olive ??l to th?r?ughl? ???t ???h r?ll. This really makes them go l?v?l? ?nd ?r???. 
  4. Repeat th? ?b?v? unt?l ?ll th? m?xtur? is used u?. At th? ?nd ??u may h?v? b??n l?ft over with t?? mu?h ?h??k?n ?r t?? many v?g?t?bl??, ?? ju?t make a f?w ??r?ng rolls with wh?t?v?r ??u have l?ft ?v?r. B?k? ?t 180C for 10 m?nut??, turn ???h ??r?ng roll ?v?r w?th k?t?h?n tongs, then b?k? f?r a further 10 minutes. 
  5. Serve & Enjoy!

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