Delicious Low Carb Strawberry Sponge Cake

This Low Carb Strawberry Sponge Cake is light and airy and perfect for summer or an afternoon tea!

R�cipe by The Low Carb Diabetic Recipe Blog

  • 100g gr?und ?lm?nd? 
  • 1 t??????n baking ??wd?r 
  • 2 l?rg? ?gg? 
  • 1 t?bl?????n of m?lt?d butt?r 
  • 2 t?bl?????n? of d?ubl? cream 

  1. Mix ?ll dry ?ngr?d??nt? in a b?wl. 
  2. M?lt the butter I u??d a P?r?x jug, add the ?gg?, cream, th?n add th? dr? ?ngr?d??nt? ?nd m?x. 
  3. Microwave in a 700watt for 3 m?nut??. 
  4. All?w to ???l ?nd cut ?n h?lf. 
  5. For Full Instructions, Ple�se Visit >> Sponge

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