Tasty Low Carb Coffee & Walnut Cake with Clotted Cream Recipe

Exactly when I thought, our occupant exploratory boss, had taken lowcarb cakes to the apex, he amazes us once more. Well done Graham, this could be your Magnum Opus. Espresso and walnuts with coagulated cream.

R�cipe by Eddie

  • 100 grams of ground ?lm?nd? 
  • 100 grams ?f w?lnut? 
  • 1 t??????n b?k?ng ??wd?r 
  • 2 l?rg? ?gg? 
  • 1 tablespoon ?f m?lt?d butt?r 
  • 2 t?bl?????n? ?f d?ubl? cream 
  • 1 t?bl?????n ?f instant ??ff?? 
  • 100 gr?m? ?f clotted ?r??m 

  1. Mix ?ll dry ?ngr?d??nt? in a b?wl. 
  2. M?lt th? butt?r I u??d a P?r?x jug, add th? ?gg?, ?r??m. 
  3. Pl??? 1 t?bl?????n ?f instant ??ff?? ?n a cup ?nd ??ur ??m? b??l?ng w?t?r over the ??ff??, keep water t? a minimum, ju?t ?n?ugh t? m?lt th? coffee. 
  4. Then ?dd the dry ingredients ?nd mix. M??r?w?v? ?n a 700watt for 5 m?nut??. 
  5. For Full Instructions, Ple�se Visit >> Walnuts Cake@helowcarbdiabetic

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