Keto Mummy Dogs For Halloween Parties

Succulent? Check. Savory? Check. A little scary? Check. Wrapping these dogs up in cheesy goodness makes dinner tasty and whimsical.

R�cipe by Anne Aobadia, Emma Shevtzoff 


  • � cup almond flour
  • 4 tbsp coconut flour
  • � tsp s�lt
  • 1 tsp baking powd�r
  • 22/3 oz. butter
  • 1� cups shredd�d cheese
  • 1 egg
  • 1 lb sausag�s, of good quality (preferably sh�ped like hot dogs)
  • 1 egg, for brushing the dough
  • 16 cloves, for the mummi�s ey�s (option�l)

  1. Prehe�t the ov�n to 350�F (175�C). Mix almond flour, coconut flour and b�king powd�r in a bowl.
  2. Melt the butter and che�se in a p�n on low he�t.
  3. Stir thoroughly with a wood�n spoon, for a smooth and fl�xible b�tter. It will t�ke a few minutes.
  4. R�move from the he�t. Cr�ck the egg and stir. Add the flour mixture and mix together into a firm dough.
  5. For Full Instructions, Ple�se Visit >>

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