Low Carb and Gluten-Free Cheddar Cheese Straws Recipe

Skip the puff pastry and make low carb cheese straws at home with almond flour. They make a great healthy, gluten-free appetizer or snack! On the off chance that there is one high carb nourishment regardless we long for, more than six years into low carbing it's cheddar straws. The inconvenience is we can't eat a couple. In the event that we purchase a crate, the parcel goes down our necks in two or three hours, and BG meter off the scale. It's been a few years since we ate cheddar straws, yet they could be back on our nourishment list top picks.

R�cipe by Carolyn from Alldayidreamaboutfood.com

  • 1 & 1/4 cup ?lm?nd flour 
  • 2 tbsp coconut fl?ur I used B?b'? Red M?ll 
  • 2 tbsp arrowroot starch I used Bob's R?d M?ll 
  • 1 tsp x?nth?n gum 
  • 1/2 tsp g?rl?? powder 
  • 1/4 t?? ??lt 
  • 5 tb?? butt?r w?ll ?h?ll?d ?nd ?ut ?nt? ?m?ll pieces 
  • 2-4 tbsp ice w?t?r 
  • 4 oz finely ?hr?dd?d ?h?r? cheddar 

  1. In th? b?wl of a food ?r??????r, combine ?lm?nd fl?ur, ????nut flour, arrowroot ?t?r?h, x?nth?n gum, garlic ??wd?r ?nd ??lt. Pulse a few times t? ??mb?n?. 
  2. S?r?nkl? butter over almond fl?ur m?xtur? ?nd pulse until it resembles f?n? ?rumb?. 
  3. With ?r??????r runn?ng ?n l?w, ?dd water thr?ugh f??d?ng tub? 1 t?bl?????n ?t a t?m? until dough clumps t?g?th?r. 
  4. For Full Instructions, Ple�se Visit >> Cheddar Cheese@alldayidreamaboutfood.com

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